Is it posible to set multiple offline payment options like;
Bank Transfer
Bank Transfer
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haven't done allot of modification, but with a bit of tinkering in the ofline payment plugin i imagin this could be uploaded multiple times?
would just be nice to have them under seperate tabs.
would just be nice to have them under seperate tabs.
Germinal Campsmore than a month agowell, yes, but then you will have to create a different plugin for each method. yes, it's not complicated, but 2 plugins cannot have the same name, so you would need to at least change the name of the plugin (for installation purposes) and the name of the main funciton in the plugin.
QuannyUKmore than a month agoWould you be able to advise what in the file(s) need to be changed to create a separate Offline Payment Plugin? Wasn't sure if it was as simple as giving it a new name in the XML file, or if any of the other associated files need changing too to make sure it doesn't conflict?
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoyou need to change the names on the XML and also the PHP and the files itself. for example, a quick way would be if anything that is now called "Offline", you call it "Offline2". that includes filenames and function names.
Responses (6)
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0Thought that might be a solution, its only a small job, maybe I could put that as a suggestion for extensions, to have a few options like bank transfer, cheque and cash as three copies of the offline payment extension.-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agowe will consider it! thanks!
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I configure AT for a client.
In addition to online payment options, they have offline payments too - bank transfers, cash and cheques.
My understanding from previous post, "will have to create a different plugin for each method" - so it is possible.
Can someone point me to any guide or instruction how this can be done?
Thanks in advance
Germinal Campsmore than a month agowell there are no such plugins, we have only one. So, in this case, you would need to generate a new plugin / installable for each one of the options you mention.
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