I have read the other posts on this subject but couldnt find a solution.
When Joomthat logo in Quotes template is replaced by mine no image is shown anymore.
I have checked that PHP directive "allow_url_fopen" is ON
I have placed the whole URL in the field Company Logo by inserting directly into the data base, as it cant be done directly using the field - Browse opens a local PC file explorer - and cant enter manually either.
I have also ignored the {Company Logo} tag and placed manually with the quotes and it doesnt work either.
Could you please advise. See attached for refer.
When Joomthat logo in Quotes template is replaced by mine no image is shown anymore.
I have checked that PHP directive "allow_url_fopen" is ON
I have placed the whole URL in the field Company Logo by inserting directly into the data base, as it cant be done directly using the field - Browse opens a local PC file explorer - and cant enter manually either.
I have also ignored the {Company Logo} tag and placed manually with the quotes and it doesnt work either.
Could you please advise. See attached for refer.
Responses (6)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Germinal Camps wrote:
what happens if you try to put directly the url of the logo right in the template code?
After press Save, it will return to the previous content. I have managed to finally inserting some HTML content by deleting a line and replacing with a new one written in Notepad, instead of copy/pasting the URL only. I think this has to do with the editor, which is the Tiny Editor.
The URL field doesn't allow manual entry and the Browse points to the loca PC.
Another way is working now too is in the editor for the template insert an Image and then there is a field where I could paste the URL, that worked.
Hope this can help. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Hi Germinal,
I need to change the logo and the same problem as per above is being presented. I have changed the editors but is not taking any effect.
Could you please advise:
Germinal Campsmore than a month agowhat did you change, exactly?
Accepted Answer
i have the same problem about the generation of the logo in the PDF invoices and quotes.
This is caused by a wrong expansion of the {company_logo} token. Indeed, it is evaluated to an URL having some "\" characters instead of "/"" in the pathname of the logo file.
Here is an example of what it gives:
Personnally i get around this problem by replacing this token by a relative path like this one:
This works, but this is obviously not the right solution.
Notice that, as the editor (JCE) aims to delete and conflict with what we attempt to write, i proceed outside JCE like this :
- i copied the original template (from the html Code view)
- then i edited it separatly with notepad++. I replaced (commented) the HTML element where resides the ugly token by a string holding the relative path...
- then i deleted the content of the html Code view and i filled it with my updated content
For example, here is the beginning of my invoice example:
<div style="font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12px;">
<table style="width: 100%;">
<tr><!-- <td style="width: 50%;" valign="top"><img src="/{company_logo}" alt="" width="320" /> -->
<td style="width: 50%;" valign="top"><img style="width: 150;" src="/media/com_invoices/1534411747_LabForScan_logo__GoogleFonts_Montserrat-Alternates_black_w585h76.png" alt="LabForScan logo" />
- i copied the original template (from the html Code view)
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