
Great extension. We are evaluating cause need to have recurrency for invoices.

Now we do see we can send the invoices to the customer's mail but we would like to receive a copy of the mail sent to our account

At the invoicer is configured the mail address (ex: sales@mycompany.com) , and at the customer is the customer mail address (ex customer@customer.com)

I wonder if the system can send the generated invoices to both accounts.

Thanks for your help

Best Regards
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, May 04 2018, 10:57 AM - #Permalink
    Would be nice if someone could anwer. I will make also in Spanish, cause maybe I did not explain correctly in English:

    Me gustaría que cuando se hace una factura recurrente enviase la factura al la dirección de correo del cliente y también a nuestra dirección de correo.

    Ahora lo estamos haciedo poniendo en la dirección de correo el correocliente@dominio.com y nuestrocorreo@nuestrodominio.com separados por una coma, pero entonces tenemos que quitar de la plantilla de la factura la dirección de mail del cliente.

    Un cordial saludo
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