This is the first invoice.
I entered notes and they have showed in in View and PDF/Mail modes, but is not appearing in Edit mode. Also, it is not appearing in a New Quote either. In Invoice Notes shows only the Admin box.
I havent touched any installation file or the database structure.
I have edited the template though and contents.
I entered notes and they have showed in in View and PDF/Mail modes, but is not appearing in Edit mode. Also, it is not appearing in a New Quote either. In Invoice Notes shows only the Admin box.
I havent touched any installation file or the database structure.
I have edited the template though and contents.
Responses (9)
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0Nothing of the core was touched.
I have played only with the templates Q1 and D1 and the rows in the database of Invoices and Items table - clearing some test data that persisted after invoices were deleted (but this is another issue we talk later)
To test if there was a corruption I have replaced com_invoices in Components and Administrator folders with a fresh set of files, but it didn't work either.
I can give you access to the site if you want to see by yourself. -
Accepted Answer
0I have just looked into it and it seems it is working again! How can it?
I am going to reset the cache time in Global Configuration of Joomla back to 15 to see if this could be the cause, as this is the only major change I made.
Nevertheless it is strange the entry form of Notes be affected, if it was the content is easier to understand, but the empty boxes should be presented anyway, don't you think so? -
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Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Notes - still not working.
I have allowed 12hours and now had asked to restart the Apache service on my shared web hosting, cleared all cache and still not working.
Could you please have a look into it as Notes is an important part of the Quotes as I am using it as part of the terms and conditions.
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