Buttons are greyed out Bug

I have done everything you have asked us to do when migrating from one website to another but I now have the following issues;
1. Buttons as per attachment are greyed out - why?
2. trying to upload DomPDF library throws this error
JInstaller: :Install: Can't find XML setup file.
Unable to detect manifest file.

My husband wants me to purchase this for his site but I am not going to unless it works as it should. I have trawled your support forum and nothing works that I have done - why are the buttons grey and why won't your file upload?

Please advise ASAP

Best wishes

Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, December 09 2024, 10:49 AM - #Permalink

    1. buttons are grayed out if no invoice is selected. For example, the "delete" button will only be available if an invoice to be deleted is selected. Same for the rest of the buttons, publish, unpublish, duplicate, send. Those are only available if you select one or multiple invoices upon which apply the action

    2. The DOMpdf is not installed through the installer. it needs to be uploaded to the folder, as specified in the installation instructions: https://www.joomlathat.com/documentation/invoice-manager/installation

    Please let me know if this helps
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