If a customer pays a partial balance by check, then goes online to pay via paypal, the system tells paypal to use the full amount of the original invoice, not the balance. Meaning, the system is not reducing the original default payment (the one created by the checkbox on the new invoice screen) by the paid amount. Need help, fast...upset customers.
Responses (13)
Accepted Answer
don't quite understand.. if you click on the checkbox (for a new invoice) an unique payment will be created (for the total amount). that's how's supposed to work..
when the invoice is NOT new, then you should create new payments (if necessary) manually, because the checkbox always considers "full amount" (and it's inteded for new invoices)
.. do you know what I mean? what's the desired behavior? -
Accepted Answer
0another way of seeing this: if you have already created an invoice, and on the invoice list you click on "+" button next to payments, you will go to the new payment creation form, and the "balance" amount will be calculated automatically for that payment (you can change it, of course, but the system will suggest you that amount)
isn't that what you need?
example: if you have a 160usd invoice with 1 payment for 20usd, and you click on the "+" button, you will be creating a new payment with suggested amount 140usd (the balance)
makes sense? -
Accepted Answer
0If a new invoice is created. At the same time, I create a payment that the client needs to pay. BUT they pay a partial of that in person via check, I can enter the check into the system as shown in the attached example. HOWEVER, the original payment amount established remains at the original amount, NOT the remaining balance. So, now it looks like they still owe the original payment, not the payment less the amount they previously paid.
The work flow of any invoice system would be: 1) the invoice is created with an outstanding balance, 2)a client pays something (partial or complete balance), 3) the invoice now has a new balance, 4) the client can pay the new remaining balance. Industry standard T-accounting. -
Accepted Answer
0Note: The suggestions you have are all in the back-end of the system. Does the system not automatically calculate a remaining balance if a client pays something?
If I'm a paying customer, I would expect that once I paid something on my invoice, it would show me that I made the payment and then there is a balance. I would then click on a button that allowed me to pay the remaining balance.
If your suggestion, I have to go in, alter the original payment entry by the amount now paid...manual entry of the payment, then manual adjustment of the original payment entry.
That does not make sense. -
Accepted Answer
0yes, the payments do not change their amount "automatically"! the payments are created automatically or manually, but once thei're created, the edition is always manual.
in the scenario you describe, well, all you have to do is, if you create a new payment, then go edit the old one and change the amount... that's no bug!it's normal behavior
what you describe is a perfectly valid work flow (in your case it would work great) but don't really works for everybody as a "standard". you have to be able to create as many payments as you want (and with any amounts) in it. the way you describe would take freedom "away" of the system because the admin would not be able to create whatever he wants (for instance sometimes there are customers that add new payments to an invoice as a "late fee" concept).. do you know what I mean?
I understand this works in your particular case but it's not something that would be "standard" for everyone if you know what I mean...! -
Accepted Answer
0hello againnow I see the otehr post
our system does not work with "automatic" payemnts, which is what you're describing. all the payments have to "be there". if one is paid, then this counts as paid and the "amount outstanding" will the the addition of the resting payments (not paid)
I don't agree that it does not make sensebut we're open for discussion!
listen, I have to leave now for a few hours, please feel free to email me directly at joomlafinances@gmail.com
I'm sure we can adjust this the way you want with a couple simple code modifications, I'll tell you what to change
but.. that you want a system slightly different does not mean that our system "makes no sense"! it's just that you propose an alternate way of working!
for us, it makes perfect sense.. basically for one reason: you're the first customer to ever ask for this particular payment feature. nobody else asked for this before! this means (for us) that our system works in a good way! -
Accepted Answer
0Not meaning to be rude or confrontational but any and ALL systems I've ever worked with will calculate the remaining balance on an invoice.
I'd like to request a refund on my purchase. How do I go about doing so, as this system does not provide common core functionality. Fine, say it doesn't for me as the only person who doesn't need a system to calculate the remaining balance for a client. -
Accepted Answer
0I don't think you're rude, I take it as you proposing a new (different) work flow approach. All suggestions are most welcomed. we're always wanting to improve our system by adding new features that our users find usable. We'll think about this for a future release. thanks!
all I was saying is that if it's currently working for so many users... it can't be "that bad"!it does not fit your needs, I understand that.
No problem, if you can't use the software the way it is we can refund you. Just email us at joomlafinances@gmail.com. If you could include your order ID on the request it would be great.
I guess you're not interesting in us trying to make a few code changes to make it work the way you want then..
Germi -
Accepted Answer
0sounds good.
please email us directly at joomlafinances@gmail.com (I'll answer).
I understood the way of functioning, but I have questions. for instance..
I understand that you want that if you manually make a new payment, the "other" payments (pending) get adjusted so the "balance" plus the paid part makes the total. but.. what if there are more than 1 payment for that invoice (not paid)..? which one we have to "update"? do you know what I mean?
so, maybe to discuss the details, it's better if we deal with this over the email!
Germi -
Accepted Answer
I would say that since a partial payment would have to be manually applied, the system would update only the established payment to which the user was applying it.
Flow: The customer makes a partial payment of, let's say $20, in cash. They have 3 payments on scedule of, let's say $50, each. I would enter a payment of $20 against the next payment on schedule. The system would then update that payment to have a remaining balance of $30 and the remaining payments on schedule are untouched. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0This is also not working for us. My company ask me now to look at another solution. for non of the other software we worked with in the past works like this. it is so wrong. When one makes an invoice the amount outstanding should be that amount irrespective of tentative payment records made. Then outstanding should be invoice - payments made. now we have to do so much manual changes each time. They will soon ask me to get a refund or not continue with our subscription if I cannot get this fixed. Can you help fixing it to work as normal invoice billing apps? what will it cost? Why would you have thought it should work like it is currently working. Everyone currently is working around the problem by having to create a lot op pre-payments the customer is expected to pay, but it should not work like that. A customer has to make a payment or payments each month, and the difference outstanding should be shown. We should not have to go make imaginary payments beforehand. Excuse I am not rude. Please help. I do not want to move to another program again, and yours could work 100% as one would expected when looking at any other invoice app.
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