Hi Guys,
I need to add extra fields to invoicer and Bill to sections, is it possible?
Thanks for your help
I need to add extra fields to invoicer and Bill to sections, is it possible?
Thanks for your help
Responses (7)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Thanks for quick response as I am running a rental website therefore I need to add 'rental period', 'number of people' etc. on recipient section. Is it possible? and please take this as a suggestion, can you somehow make it possible once I have entered total amount and automatically having subtotal of paid first installment or deposit and then additional items on top of that subtotal amount: lets say total amount is £1000 and I will add £300 deposit to be paid, once getting remaining amount populated, then I want to add breakage deposit on top of this amount or maybe more items and getting populated results again. As I couldn't customize the way I have explained.
I appreciate your help. -
Accepted Answer
please, send us an email at support@ joomlathat.com explaining exactly all the new fields you need and how they should work (if they require something special), this way we can have the whole picture and make an accurate quote for you.
also, please explain to us the second part you mention. to be honest, I didn't fully understand what you meanmaybe it will help to have a more accurate numeric example
thanks! -
Accepted Answer
0Let me explain a bit more, what I need is to get the calculated results of 'Items' section (total) to be showed in 'Payment' section as 'Amount outstanding', and as soon as I add payments, the amount of payments should be deducted from 'Total' amount in 'Payment' section. As unless I dont add payments in 'payment' section manually it always shows 'Amount outstanding' = 0! . I want to get 'Amount outstanding' is to be calculated (deducting amount of each payments made from 'total' amount). Its all about to get the 'Amount outstanding' row calculation automatically and correct whenever payments added or extracted. -
Accepted Answer
0but... that's already there, isnt' it?
I mean: are you talking about the backend invoice form page, only? when you create an invoice, it's true you don't see the amount outstanding.
but you mean to calculate with PAID payments? or simply all payments, to know how many payments you have to create to get to the total amount? -
Accepted Answer
0When I create an invoice I want to have amount outstanding to be printed on 'payments' section so I will be aware of balance and lets say there are several installments for this payment so whenever marked each payment as paid that should be deducted from 'amount outstanding' got it? Currently I add the balance to be paid manually in the "payments" section to have correct 'amount outstanding' otherwise it shows "0" -
Accepted Answer
0yes, what I was saying is that the amount outstanding is already there on the invoice FRONTPAGE, but you are talking about the creation form, right? you are talking about an information field that will show you the amount outstanding in the invoice CREATION form, is that correct?
in any case, this qould require some custom coding. as said before, please contact us directly at support@ joomlathat.com about this.
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