
I am receiving the following error when I click on a Invoice in my mail to pay it. This error is displayed on the payments page before clicking on a payment method.
public_html/plugins/invoices/payment_stripe/payment_stripe.php on line 26
Please see attached image error-screen.jpg for example

I have tried to download the Stripe Plugin from your site but Avast shows it as being infected with a Trojan. See attached Image. Can you please check the file. I want to download it and install to see if it resolves the error I am currently receiving.

Note: I currently have the following stripe file - plg_payment_stripe_1.0.1 and it shows as infected when scanned.

NOTE: I have done another test and the Error does not occur if the Invoice is WITHIN PAYMENT TERM. The error only occurs if the Invoice is PAST DUE DATE Hope this helps you find the solution.

Thanks for your help,
Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, April 03 2016, 10:12 AM - #Permalink

    the "error" you mention is jus a Notice, nothing important.. you can disable it by setting your joomla global configuration variable "error reporting" to "simple"

    about the trojan, I can asure you there's no trojan on that file... I will check this, probably your software is confusing some code for a trojan, I don't know.
    sometimes the anti-virus programs "confuse" some files and thinks they are malware, for example .ini files (which in joomla are used for language files)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, April 03 2016, 10:24 AM - #Permalink

    Setting error reporting to SIMPLE or NONE the error still shows! It is not a caching issue as I have already checked. Another other solution?

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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, April 03 2016, 10:25 AM - #Permalink
    This means that there's a setting on the server overriding your joomla setting (and therefore the notice still shows).

    I will review the code and try to avoid this notice. will keep you posted.
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