We've noticed an issue with the content statistics plugin.
We have added in the contentstats plugin the preference to not include our users in the statistics
The thing is that we are being included for logins (not logouts)
We've discovered that the issue could come from these lines:
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$blockusers = $pluginParams->get('blockusers');
$blockusers = explode(",", $blockusers);
if($user->id) $user_block = in_array($user->id, $blockusers) ;
else $user_block = false ;
the $user->id is always 0 (the user is not logged in yet, it seems) so the $user_block is always false
Is there something we haven't configured correctly, could you please give us a hint?
We've noticed an issue with the content statistics plugin.
We have added in the contentstats plugin the preference to not include our users in the statistics
The thing is that we are being included for logins (not logouts)
We've discovered that the issue could come from these lines:
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$blockusers = $pluginParams->get('blockusers');
$blockusers = explode(",", $blockusers);
if($user->id) $user_block = in_array($user->id, $blockusers) ;
else $user_block = false ;
the $user->id is always 0 (the user is not logged in yet, it seems) so the $user_block is always false
Is there something we haven't configured correctly, could you please give us a hint?
Responses (2)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0not exactly...
what I want is to keep the logins from admins and editors to count as real visits to our site, so I write their IDs in the 'Do not store these User ID visits' and their logins are added to the statistics-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoI believe this shouldn't be happening. if you want, please send me access at support@ joomlathat.com so I can take a look.
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