GeoLocation suddenly stopped working about a month ago.... for no apparent reason.
I have configured the plugin as follows (alo shown in the attachment):
Do not store these IPs: blank
Do not store these User ID visits: 516 (a valid user id)
Do not store these User Agent visits: googlebot,Googlebot-Mobile,Googlebot-Image,msnbot,Bingbot,MSNBot,MSNBot-Media,AdIdxBot,BingPreview,yahoo,facebookexternalhit,Holmes,YandexBot,YodaoBot
Track Data: From Everybody
Use IP Geolocation: YES
API key (ipinfodb.com): I have tried 2 different (and valid), keys from infoDB
Method to connect to API server: I have tried BOTH CURL and file_get_contents.. but with no difference
Nothing seems to work.... Am I missing something???? and I am puzzled as to why it just stopped working all of a sudden??
I have configured the plugin as follows (alo shown in the attachment):
Do not store these IPs: blank
Do not store these User ID visits: 516 (a valid user id)
Do not store these User Agent visits: googlebot,Googlebot-Mobile,Googlebot-Image,msnbot,Bingbot,MSNBot,MSNBot-Media,AdIdxBot,BingPreview,yahoo,facebookexternalhit,Holmes,YandexBot,YodaoBot
Track Data: From Everybody
Use IP Geolocation: YES
API key (ipinfodb.com): I have tried 2 different (and valid), keys from infoDB
Method to connect to API server: I have tried BOTH CURL and file_get_contents.. but with no difference
Nothing seems to work.... Am I missing something???? and I am puzzled as to why it just stopped working all of a sudden??
Responses (3)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Hi , and thank you for your reply.
I have contacted support at infodb.com, and they say that all is good on their server, and that my account is working fine.
I still cannot see any geolocation though....
My (valid) IP address on the website server is: "Current IP Address:".
This comes from a query of: $response = file_get_contents('http://checkip.dyndns.com'); echo $response; which was run from the website.
The API Key I am using is: 8dc2946fe1cf25c7b757a14e96a4047745bc3f728464387dd15d5e6786b80214 and the method of connecting to the infodb.com server is “file_get_contents” (I have also tried curl with the same no-show result)
There are currently 15,903 entries on the table associated with Content Statistics......... I can't imagine it, but is there any possibility that this large number is somehow causing this issue????
Do you have any other ideas, because I would like to continue using this component/plugin, but not showing the location is a problem for me.
Recall, that it just seemed to stop working suddenly.... and for no apparent reason that I can see.
Mike -
Accepted Answer
0hello Mike,
the 15,903 entries are not a problem. it's really a very small table. Anything below 300,000 is nothing to worry.
And in any case, it would not affect the geolocation, it's a separate thing.
at this moment I don't have an idea of what could have caused this. if you can send us joomla and FTP at support@ joomlathat.com I'll take a look as soon as possible.
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