Customizing stat export

We're using Content Statistics to compare content stats between several websites. To ease this task, I'm wondering about the best way to customize a few things in the CSV export:

1 - Is it possible to insert the Site Name or custom text in the exported filename?

2 - Can the Site Name be added in a column on export, so that when stats are combined between multiple sites they can be sorted by site?

If there are settings that can be adjusted, or some code that can be adjusted to achieve this, that would be most helpful.

Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, January 23 2019, 05:04 PM - #Permalink

    1. no, it's not directly possible without some code modifications

    2. same thing.. what you need can be done with custom coding.

    If you're interested, our custom coding team can be hired to develop this for you.
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