Hi, Content Statistics doesn't function correctly on my site. I believe I've installed the various plugins and modules and configured it correctly but there are a number of issues...
Module (or modules) to display stats on each Users Profile page (community builder). I can successfully make the module appear on a single user's page and it shows data specific for that user but it has many errors.
1. Public visits to that page
2. Number of times the user logged in
3. Number of times the user's profile appeared in a List
4. Map of where visitors have come from
(Items 1 and 2 are working but are showing incorrect values - see below)
1. Evolution data is increasing in increments of 2 per page view and 2 per login
2. When maps module is published the evolution module stops working (both become blank)
3. Maps don't display at all (tried with and without Google key)
4. Evolution module doesn't track userlists data at all
5. Can't change Evolution date format to D-M-Y
6. Ranking module causes the site to completely stop working. Seems to be a page load issue but I don't really require that module.
I suspect there are a lot more issues but I can't get past these items so far and I can't use the plugin at all if these items cannot be resolved.
Hope you can assist.
This is what I would like to achieve...
Module (or modules) to display stats on each Users Profile page (community builder). I can successfully make the module appear on a single user's page and it shows data specific for that user but it has many errors.
I need the module to display graphs for the following...
1. Public visits to that page
2. Number of times the user logged in
3. Number of times the user's profile appeared in a List
4. Map of where visitors have come from
(Items 1 and 2 are working but are showing incorrect values - see below)
These are the issues I have found
1. Evolution data is increasing in increments of 2 per page view and 2 per login
2. When maps module is published the evolution module stops working (both become blank)
3. Maps don't display at all (tried with and without Google key)
4. Evolution module doesn't track userlists data at all
5. Can't change Evolution date format to D-M-Y
6. Ranking module causes the site to completely stop working. Seems to be a page load issue but I don't really require that module.
I suspect there are a lot more issues but I can't get past these items so far and I can't use the plugin at all if these items cannot be resolved.
Hope you can assist.
Responses (10)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0sorry, I missed this.
1. this is strange. issue could be related to the page (endpoint) being hit "twice" when the user performs the action (login, page view). Can't really know what could be causing this, maybe it's related to the template. I would need to take a look.
2 & 3: both issues seem related to the map module. if you send me access I'll take a look
4. same, would need access to check this.
6. I suspect this could be related to the same as 2 & 3.
can you send me access? -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
I had a similar issue with the map module in April 2021.
-Display of all maps -> KO on front (I only use the module map on front) and show an error:
Invalid row index NaN. Should be in the range [0-xx].
I managed to solve the issue, if that could help, here are the details:
First, I search about Google Charts and find out that Google just released a new version (v.50) of the API [on 1 April 2021] which could affect Maps display related to old/previous version in production.
Source: https://groups.google.com/g/google-visualization-api/c/g4keck3kvwu
Knowing the map module is base on Google chart, I fixed the issue by apply Google advice.
Find the map.php file located in:
Joomla folder.../module/mod_content_statistics_map/tmpl/map.php
Backup the file before trying anything!.
Open the file go around row 44 (Js var setup):
$js .= "google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['geochart']});
Replace the number 1 by 49 (1 should be default latest version (v.50) and 49 is the previous version before google update):
$js .= "google.load('visualization', '49', {packages:['geochart']});
Save ...it’s done (works again!)
Now I have a 2019 purchased version of the module (map 1.7.0 pro 2.5) so its might not works on newest version (if there is a new version).
Downside: I don’t know how long Google will keep the v.49 api version up, but since the v.50 just been released, it’s should be fine for few years. But at one point it will be cleaver to get an official fix or update form Joomlathat. -
Accepted Answer
0link to google :
https://groups.google.com/g/google-visualization-api/c/g4keck3kvwu --> G4Keck3KVwU
URL need to get upcase to be valide
Will. -
Accepted Answer
0Thanks Will. Your solution solved the maps display issues.
Now if I could just get the all the other issues solved it might be a useful extension.
The Developer hasn't bothered to assist at all despite sending him the login details via email.
The data being shown on the modules is basically junk. It's nothing like the actual data I can see from the basic hits or Google analytics I already have. Evolution data increments in multiples of 2 and the maps data doesn't appear to change over time so the data is useless. -
Accepted Answer
0Hi Jay,
Looking at your listing issues, I from my comprehension it could come from a lots different root cause.
If that could help you here are my thought and advice on your issues:
1. Evolution data is increasing in increments of 2 per page view and 2 per login
Evolution data is based on data related to your site (meaning general setting of your site and not necessary setting of modules and components).
Generally traffic tracker also treats the index.php file separately from your homepage, which means that a test.com page and the test.com/index.php page could be considered duplicate content (even if they are the same thing). If you have enabled URL Rewriting (SEF) in the SEO settings of the global Joomla configuration, you can remedy this by disallowing the indexing of a page called index.php. To do this, insert the following line into your robots.txt file:
Disallow: /index.php
Use full links:
2. When maps module is published the evolution module stops working (both become blank)
3. Maps don't display at all (tried with and without Google key)
It should be solved with previous messages.
But more generally if you facing a similar issue regarding KO visualization display it could be the same root error due to new Google API (it’s depend on your used modules):
example: compare module display
=> ....../modules/mod_content_statistics_compare/tmpl/*.*
ajax.php (row 193)
googlecharts.php (row 193)
Basically search in files if you have the same $js var visualization been use google.load.
And if you find the same call: ... google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: .... replace the 1 by 49 as describe in previous message after backuped the original file.
5. Can't change Evolution date format to D-M-Y
Have you try to change in each module concerned the parameters:
Label date format or Label date format (Custom) => located into first tab of the module (once you edit the module). ?
The data being shown on the modules is basically junk. It's nothing like the actual data I can see from the basic hits or Google analytics I already have.
Ok I think, it could be more knowledge than dev matter.
What you should/probably know about data, especially when you start to compare with other popular rank like Google analytics:
Lots of your traffic could come from Robot/bots behave. I know Content Statistic does not stop them natively.
More generally you should know than at list 50% of all Word Wide Web traffic come from robots. They are good bots (like search engine indexer) and bad bots (like malware and pub).
Google analytics do not take bots in to account, meanly because they are not able to trigger the JavaScript tag place on your page (and also for competitor strategy matter: they don’t display all other search engine indexer bots). But technologies are getting better and robots too so haven Google have difficulties to stop them all now.
So between Content Statistics (which get all hits including bots) and Google analytics (which trying to get only real human users) you can have a huge gap. Through, you should get much more hits recorded by content stat than Google.
Other thing which could cause records data differences between both is GDPR.
Since 2021 Google have been obligate to respect GDPR European legislation. The consequences are Google analytics no longer records data from users unless they give cookie contentment. So this could also increase the defences between them as Google will show heaven less records from users.
My advices:
- Search about bad-bots traffic and install an extension which will stops or reduce them and protect your pages.
- If your site targeting European audience make sure is GDPR compliant with an easy notification that could get the explicit consent from your public (There are also extensions for this).
Here are others few links that could help:
Will. -
Accepted Answer
0Thanks Will. Your detailed comments are much appreciated. Unfortunately I'm still having issues.
1. Evolution data is increasing in increments of 2 per page view and 2 per login
I tried your robots.txt idea but it didn't solve the issue. Still incrementing in 2s. Must be something else on my site that's causing the conflict.
2. When maps module is published the evolution module stops working (both become blank)
3. Maps don't display at all (tried with and without Google key)
Those maps issues are now solved thanks to your info about the Google API.
5. Can't change Evolution date format to D-M-Y
I may not have been specific enough about where I needed the date format changed in the module. The format is fine for the various date labels. The problem I have is with the format for allowing the user to change the date. Those date items appear in this format: YYYY-MM-DD. I would prefer the reverse but I can't find anywhere to make that change.
Data Issues
Thanks for your explanation on this. I guess I will need to live with bots data if I want to use this extension but I think the bigger issue is the problem with it incrementing in 2s. If I can't solve that problem the extension is useless.
Unfortunately the developer doesn't seem to care.
Cheers Will.
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