I have multi-level affiliates set up, tracking OS membership enrollments. Everything is enabled and connected in the proper way, as far as I can tell. In the Affiliate front-end account manager - the Referrals count is accurate, when cross-checked against back-end admin logs in Affiliate Tracker component. However, I have a case with a Child Affiliate who doesn't see the 1 Conversion yet in their front-end account manager. I have yet to approve the conversion. In testing, it seems that Conversions will display in quantity, but not in commission payout terms - until approved. Why is this single conversion not showing. I can see it in the back-end area fine - as credit for the conversion is given to both the parent and child.

I am just starting this affiliate program, and this is the first case of parent and child sharing a conversion. I don't know if it's properly showing as a conversion in the parent affiliate front-end account manager, as I haven't spoken with the parent affiliate.

Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, January 08 2019, 12:17 PM - #Permalink
    but.. the conversion is not approved? if it's not approved, it will not count...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 10 2019, 05:20 AM - #Permalink
    So until approved it doesn't show in quantity or commissions earned?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, January 13 2019, 10:38 AM - #Permalink
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