I just purchased and installed the 2.5 version and configured it with VirtueMart. I am having some issues:
we do not require acceptance of terms of service, and this works OK for the first order after a customer logs in. But, if they don't log out and then create a second order, they are told that they must agree to the terms and conditions before proceeding. This is a problem for us.
We are not using the PayPal payment option, but will be paying affiliates by check. If I click to Create a Payment from the Conversions page, then create a check payment, the Create a Payment button still displays. It's as if the check payment doesn't get recorded. And that commission amount is included in any subsequent commission total. Shouldn't this show only the unpaid commissions?
- is there a way to export order, commission and payment information for reporting purposes?
Please get back to me with information soon. At this time we are not able to use the software due to these issues.
Teresa Donovan
I just purchased and installed the 2.5 version and configured it with VirtueMart. I am having some issues:
we do not require acceptance of terms of service, and this works OK for the first order after a customer logs in. But, if they don't log out and then create a second order, they are told that they must agree to the terms and conditions before proceeding. This is a problem for us.
We are not using the PayPal payment option, but will be paying affiliates by check. If I click to Create a Payment from the Conversions page, then create a check payment, the Create a Payment button still displays. It's as if the check payment doesn't get recorded. And that commission amount is included in any subsequent commission total. Shouldn't this show only the unpaid commissions?
- is there a way to export order, commission and payment information for reporting purposes?
Please get back to me with information soon. At this time we are not able to use the software due to these issues.
Teresa Donovan
Responses (13)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
I'm not sure that I understand what you're saying about "terms of service". in Affiliate Tracker there's no terms of service checkbox, that is a thing of VirtueMart...
"payments" are actually not binded to "comissions". payments is a free tool where you can input an amount that will include actually more than 1 comission amount.
for example, in the "accounts" page, you should have a button in the accounts that will allow you to create a payment "for the whole amount" of comissions earned (excluing paid payments amount). let's say an affiliate has earned comissions for value of 100 USD, and you have already paid him 30 USD (with a payment in the system, marked as "paid"). the system will create a quick button to allow (only if you want) to create a payment for value 70 USD, which is the amount the user has yet to collect.
I'm not sure if that answers your question or you still think something needs to work differently...
as for the refunded order: no, at the moment this is not handled automatically by the plugin, because the plugin acts only "on new completed order" action, therefore the reverser comission action is left to the owner (you) to do it.
if VM provides a hook for a refund action we can hook our plugin to, we could see if it's possible to create this refunded comission automatically. -
Accepted Answer
thanks for the quick response. I will uninstall Affiliate Tracker and retest the terms of service issue to see if it's impacted by AT or not. It's possible that this issue has been in VM all along and I've never experienced it.
Your payment process is not workable for my client. However, I can write a program that extracts commission data from the AT tables and cross-references the order status; this will support my client's payment requirements.
At this time, I have documented this for my client and am waiting a response from him to see how he wants to proceed. I'll update once I have more information from him.
Thank you,
Teresa Donovan-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agook, please let me know. So, I understand that you want a payment system that actually binds the payment to the conversion, so you have a 1 to 1 relation. is that it?
Accepted Answer
I think it's really a 1-to-many relationship (payments to conversions). For example, if I pay my affiliates monthly, I will send one check that covers all the conversions for a particular month. And it would be nice to have a paid/unpaid status on conversions, and a way to mark a conversion as paid and a reference back to the payment. But, none of this is necessary right now as at this point my client is still trying to decide to use the system or not. He really needs a monthly summary that tells him the total of what's owed to all affiliates, with individual commission statements for affiliates. I think I can write this program for him, if the rest of the AT functionality is acceptable to him.
Another question... what email ID is used for "admin"? So far in our testing, we haven't seen the email that is sent to the admin that notifies of a conversion. I have gotten the affiliate's email notification.
Terry -
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Accepted Answer
0Hi, in the config options/email, the From (email) on emails box contains the email address we want to send admin emails to. And I have selected Yes for all 4 email Yes/No questions. Is the email address in the From (email) box considered the "admin" email? If not, what is the admin email and where is it set? It does not appear to be the VirtueMart admin ID.
Terry -
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Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0OK, at this point we have 9 test affiliate conversions in the system, for 2 different accounts; 3 conversions are dated June 6, and the rest are dated June 8. When I go to the Conversions tab, I can see all of them. But when I select to display conversions from June 5 to June 6, no conversions display. If I select June 5 to June 7, the 3 June 6 conversions display. I've attached pictures of this - AT1.jpg shows the 3conversions when selecting June 5 to June 7; AT2.jpg shows no conversions when selecting June 5 to June 6.
Any ideas? -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0OK, thanks. This is confusing because most similar date search features are inclusive,not exclusive. So for example, if I wanted to see all the conversions on June 6, I would select start date 2015-06-06 and end date 2015-06-06, not end date 2015-06-07. Since this is not intuitive, I suggest you document it. Otherwise the results may not be what people are expecting.-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agothanks for the suggestion. we will try to include this on our next version
Accepted Answer
0Another question for you: why does the email that goes to the affiliate upon successful conversion created CC the administrator? This means that the admin gets 3 emails for every affiliate order - the VirtueMart order email, the administrator successful conversion email, and a copy of the affiliate's successful conversion email. Is there a way to not CC the admin on the affiliate's email? -
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