I have a couple of asks for the Affiliate Tracker User Signup form:

1) Ability to have the UserName be automatically assigned as the Account Email. (I want to force all UserNames to be the associated email address). I'm thinking to just remove the UserName field and then assign the UserName to be the Account Email value.

2) If the user is already logged in, then the UserName field on the sign-up form should not be editable. (currently appears that the value could be changed)

3) Mark the required fields with an asterisk (ideally a red asterisk)

4) This one is really just a wish list item: I have a number of different types of users. Ideally, when an affiliate account is accepted, the account could be assigned to a Joomla User Group. I'm going to create an Affiliate User Group and manually assign all affiliates to that group. Since I don't expect to have a lot of affiliates, not a big deal to do this manually, just thought I'd throw it out there since this capability is available on another extension that I have.

Thanks for considering!
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