Once a customer has been approved as an Affiliate account has been approved, the user is sent an email as follows.......
Dear Kate Wilkinson,
Your affiliate account has been approved
Account details:
Name: Kate Wilkinson
Contact name: Kate Wilkinson
Contact e-mail: kate@crackingmedia.com
Contact username: katewilky,
There is no information for the user on what to do next, are we able to add content to this email?
Dear Kate Wilkinson,
Your affiliate account has been approved
Account details:
Name: Kate Wilkinson
Contact name: Kate Wilkinson
Contact e-mail: kate@crackingmedia.com
Contact username: katewilky,
There is no information for the user on what to do next, are we able to add content to this email?
Responses (10)
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Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
We have updated the email, however the email is going to the administrator of the affiliate account rather than the newly approved affiliate. I have pasted the email below. The top part of the email needs to go to the new affiliate. Where do we do this?
From: Making Mumpreneurs
Date: 17 October 2017 at 14:37
Subject: New affiliate account request
To: hello@makingmumpreneurs.com
Dear Administrator,
Your affiliate account has been approved! Thank you so much for helping to spread the word about Making Mumpreneurs.
Once logged in you will see your unique affiliate link for the website and when you use this we will be able to track if anyone joins The Cocoon, and you will receive a £10 thank you payment per person.
In the 'Marketing Material' section you will find your affiliate codes to use for sign ups and you can also download the logos and any social media image cards which have been created from HERE. (If you would like something which isn't listed here, just shout)
Affiliate payments will be made at the beginning of each month.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me HERE
With gratitude
A new affiliate account request has been submitted in our website. Please proceed to review it to approve it, or not.
Account details:
Name: Erinaffiliate
Contact name: Erin Wong
Contact e-mail: erinthomaswong@googlemail.com
Contact username: Erin -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
I'm looking at that file you mentioned above: /components/com_affiliatetracker/views/account/tmpl/default_email.php
I know what you mean by "user" and "admin", but I have no idea where to input the actual text I want to have in the emails.
Can you please guide me to the right place/file!
Serge -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Can this be done in an override?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agohello,
sorry, what do you need to override?
Accepted Answer
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