History tracking
Invoice Manager offers integration with our own Content Statistics, not only to create graphics, but also to track all activity related to your invoices.
We have added a new tab inside each invoice (edit mode) that will show you all the relevant information tracked by Content Statistics on that invoice! You can track up to 13 different activities made on an invoice.
No more wondering "who messed this up?" or "how many times have I sent this invoice?", or "has the user seen this invoice yet?". With Content Statistics you can now track all this information, and it will be displayed to you in a helpful new tab called "History", right within the invoice. These are the actions you can track:
- Invoice viewed
- Invoice created
- Invoice edited
- Invoice deleted
- Invoice emailed to client
- Invoice published
- Invoice unpublished
- Invoice status changed
- Invoice exported to PDF
- Payment paid on invoice
- Quote accepted by client
- Quote rejected by client